Denise Feriozzi, The Pipeline Fund
Krithika Harish, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies
Shelley Jackson, Instituto

Strong political pipelines create equitable pathways for leaders from underrepresented communities to run for and succeed in office. They are made up of multiple programs and organizations working in collaboration with each other to help recruit, train, and support candidates to run for elected office. IIn this conversational, skills-oriented session, participants will receive a birds’ eye view of the field from an experienced funder, an inside-view from a national pipeline capacity-support organization, and an on-the-ground view from a state pipeline organization, and a local elected leader they support. Participants will leave with a concrete understanding of the different c3 and c4 projects and organizations that comprise pipeline work. Finally, they will leave knowing how a well-resourced political pipeline that is responsive to the needs of diverse communities has the potential to build power, invigorate civic engagement, and ultimately lead to transformative policy at all levels of government.
100 N 1st St
Phoenix, AZ 85004
United States