Full Name
Ludovic Blain
Job Title
Executive Director
California Donor Table
Speaker Bio
Ludovic Blain (he/him) is the Executive Director of the California Donor Table.

Ludovic was hired as CDT’s first full time staff-person in 2009. Previously, he was a leader in building people of color-centered movements around closing the racial wealth gap, environmental justice, media justice, campaign finance and voting rights. Ludovic has also led capacity-building work in Haiti, Canada, Denmark and The Gambia.

Under Ludovic’s leadership the CDT family of entities has mobilized more than $50 million to build and sustain progressive people of color-centered policy and political power building and wielding across California. He’s worked with regional and state leaders to found power building groups that have beat back right-wing movements and infrastructure to deliver House majorities, elect progressive Mayors, state legislators, District Attorneys and local races, while also developing power wielding progressive governance infrastructure with them to ensure the maximum progressive outcomes of policy, initiative and candidate wins.
Ludovic a Bronx native, Berkeley resident, and a graduate of the City College of NY. He serves on several boards, including the Proteus Action League.
Ludovic Blain