Full Name
Judith LeBlanc
Job Title
Executive Director
Native Organizer's Alliance
Speaker Bio
Judith is a citizen of the Caddo Nation. She has been the Executive Director of Native
Organizers Alliance (NOA) for eight years. She leads a national Native training and organizing
network which supports tribes, traditional societies, and community groups – urban and
reservation – in organizing grassroots political power to achieve Native sovereignty and racial
equity for all.
Judith is a board member of Movement Strategy Center and chair of the board of the NDN
Collective. She currently serves on the Environmental Justice Working Group convened by US
Representitves Raul Grijalva and Barbara Lee. Judith was a 2019 Roddenberry Fellow. In 2022,
she was a Resident Fellow at the Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School of Harvard
Judith LeBlanc