Full Name
Marcus Jackson
Job Title
Executive Director
Advocacy Based on Lived Experience
Speaker Bio
Marcus Jackson is a formerly incarcerated Kentuckian who overcame many obstacles to become the founder and Executive Director of Advocacy Based on Lived Experience (ABLE) and Vice Chair of the Kentucky Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. He is a Kentucky native and long-time advocate for criminal justice reform.
He was featured in the Independent Lens - ITVS documentary Persistent: A Challenge to Kentucky’s PFO Law and his other criminal justice reform efforts have been covered at the local, state, and national levels.
He is looking forward to a time when his organizing and social justice efforts are no longer needed, but for now, he is dedicated to developing the leadership of system impacted individuals, empowering and civically re-engaging local communities across the state, and to reshaping local, state, and national criminal justice practices and policies.
Marcus Jackson