Full Name
Vincent Jones
Job Title
Tides Advocacy’s Interim Chief Executive Office/Chairperson of the Board of Directors
Speaker Bio
Vincent Jones, Tides Advocacy’s Interim Chief Executive Officer, and Chairperson of the Board of Directors is an innovative connector with a passion for building dynamic communities around common purpose and finding creative solutions to advance progressive change. His career spans the worlds of philanthropy, non-profits, politics, government, and communications. Prior to starting his own consulting practice working with foundations, non-profits, and leaders Vincent served as Deputy Director of Campaigns and Senior Program Officer at the Liberty Hill Foundation, was Executive Director of the Center for Health Justice, led a youth civic engagement project for California Common Cause, and was Associate Director of the National Teen Leadership Program. He also was the LA County Field Representative for Sen. Barbara Boxer and worked in senior positions on her 2004 and 2010 campaigns as well as those of other statewide, federal, and local campaigns. Vincent believes strongly in serving on nonprofit boards and currently serves as Co-Chair of the Board of Directors of Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Political Education (SCOPE) as well as Chairing the Board of Tides Advocacy.
Vincent Jones