Full Name
Daniella Flores
Job Title
Program Officer
Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
Speaker Bio
Daniella Flores is a Program Officer in the Civil Society Program at the Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, where she supports nonpartisan grantmaking strategies rooted in social justice that strengthen inclusive democratic systems in the United States. She manages a national portfolio of work focused on securing and advancing voting rights through effective advocacy, strategic litigation, and policy reform campaigns. She also supports innovative digital organizing strategies promoting civic participation among under-represented communities, with a special focus on young people. Previously, she has held roles in both the private and non-profit sector related to digital communications and international development. Prior to joining Wellspring, she spent two years at the TribalVision marketing agency, and she served three years as the co-founder of the Rainwater for Humanity initiative before that. Daniella received her Master of Public Affairs from UC Berkeley and her B.A. in International Relations from Brown University.
Daniella Flores