Full Name
Nick Chedli Carter
Job Title
Resilient Democracy
Speaker Bio
Nick Chedli Carter is the Director of Democracy Initiatives at the Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation where he works with a range of scholars and practitioners on research, ideas and community towards improving the foundations and practice of 21st century democracy.

He is the founding director of civic innovations incubator Resilient Democracy, and has a deep interest in citizen identity and empowerment amidst rapid technological and cultural change.

Previous experiences include the 2016 presidential campaign of US Senator Bernie Sanders, VICE Media and Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. He is an Americorps alumni where he helped launch Common Good Vermont at CCTC Center for Media & Democracy, serving rural nonprofits and producing civically-oriented digital media. Nick’s work has been covered by Mother Jones, The New York Times, PBS Newshour, VOX, Politico, and the Wall Street Journal.
Nick Chedli Carter