Full Name
Alejandra Gomez
Job Title
Executive Director
Arizona Center for Empowerment
Speaker Bio
Alex has dedicated her life to social justice and building community through power grassroots organizing. While at LUCHA, Alex helped lead the effort to raise Arizona’s minimum wage and turn Arizona blue in 2020. She comes to LUCHA following the Adios Arpaio campaign in 2010, which culminated in 2016 with the defeat of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. And, rooted in her family’s immigration struggle, she led the organizing efforts for DAPA and expanded DACA at United We Dream National Network as the National Deputy Organizing Director. She also was a Regional Field Director for Organizing for America.

Alejandra lives in Phoenix and holds a B.A. in Political Science from Arizona State University, and has graduated from the Harvard Kennedy School of Executive Education Certificate Program “Leadership, Organizing & Action.”
Alejandra Gomez