Full Name
Allison Neswood
Job Title
Staff Attorney
Native American Rights Fund
Speaker Bio
Allison Neswood is an experienced advocate for social justice and equitable policy. At NARF, her focus is on the enforcement of Native voters’ language access under section 203 of the Voting Rights Act. Allison believes that we as a nation have made policy choices that continue to negatively impact the health and well-being of Native communities for generations. Her work is dedicated to changing that reality.

Prior to joining the NARF team, Allison established herself as an expert in the field of health policy and healthcare justice. She led the passage of several pieces of legislation to improve equity in health care and was recognized with the Health Equity Advocate of the Year Award (Colorado Cross Disability Center), the Consumer Champion Award (Colorado Consumer Health Initiative), and Consumer Health Advocate Award (FamiliesUSA).

Past media appearances include NEXT with Kyle Clark (11/9/21; at minute 7:37), “$18K bill for broken wrist? Problem Solvers investigate medical bills” (Fox 31), and Stairway to ATJ podcast. Episode 2: Diversity and Justice (Colorado Bar Association).
Allison Neswood