Full Name
Adele Lee
Job Title
Speaker Bio
Adele Lee has dedicated over 12 years advancing community-driven programs and grants in the philanthropic sector. Her journey has been fueled by a commitment to foster positive change through maximizing grants to historically marginalized communities and implementing equitable practices within the philanthropic sector.
Throughout her career, Adele has served as a liaison between communities and Foundations. Deeply committed to trust-based philanthropy principles, she aims to center the grantee experience and expertise by cultivating meaningful relationships with the communities she serves.
One of the most fulfilling moments in Adele's career was stewarding the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation - Los Angeles (TRHT-LA) initiative. The initiative worked across sectors to create public programs to shift historical and cultural narratives around race and racism. Through the initiative, communities came together to have challenging conversations, confront policies that perpetuate harm
and begin a process of healing through truth telling.
Currently she serves as a Strategic Partnerships Advisor at Tides where the team supports the growth, development and engagement of new partnerships across Tides’ full spectrum of partners and solutions.
Adele’s belief that philanthropy can play a positive role in social justice continues to guide her in creating a more equitable and joyful world.
Adele Lee