Full Name
Lori Bezahler
Job Title
Executive Director
Hazen Foundation
Speaker Bio
As President of the Edward W. Hazen Foundation, Lori Bezahler leads a national grant
making program supporting organizing and leadership by young people and
communities of color to dismantle structural inequity based on race and class. Ms.
Bezahler is currently vice chair of the board of Race Forward and she was previously a
Senior Fellow at the Center for Social Inclusion. Her writings and commentaries have
appeared in The Nation, The Hill, TIME Magazine, the Washington Post, The Guardian,
Foundation Review, the Chronicle of Philanthropy, and on numerous blogs and other
media outlets. With over 20 years’ experience as a leader in the not-for-profit sector,
she has served on several boards including Grantmakers for Education, the National
Center on Schools and Communities at Fordham University, Philanthropy New York,
and the Center for Community Alternatives, and has taught as an adjunct assistant
professor at NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service and Fordham University Graduate
School of Social Service.
Lori Bezahler